Before there was a headquarters in DC or some other big city
Before there was a staff and an org chart and a policy
Before there were copiers and computers
Before there was a magazine, a website, and a PAC
Before there were budgets and bills, dues and donations
Before there were budgets and bills, dues and donations
Before there were webinars and e-learning courses
Before there was an annual meeting, a trade show, and sponsorship packages
Before there were sections, or chapters, or councils, or
Before there was a strategic plan, a BHAG, or a set of key
result areas
Before there was any of this that we now associate
with an association,
there was something much simpler, much truer, and much
more important:
There were people who shared a common interest
and cared
about connecting with like-minded people.
In the end, that’s all that is required for an association to
Spirited people once joined together to create
Spectators now gather to consumer or critique
Spirited people once joined together to create
Spectators now gather to consumer or critique
Such a shame that the essential spark that started it all
is now so often in
danger of being extinguished
by all that came afterwards.
Perhaps the future for associations
May best be found in their original beginnings.
Perhaps the future for associations
May best be found in their original beginnings.
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